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Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology

Master the Art of Assessment and Psychotherapy

The U.S. 劳动局确定精神卫生保健专业为 most in-demand occupations for the next decade. You can become a mental health care professional in the state of Texas with a 休斯顿-克利尔湖大学临床心理学硕士.

通过严格的课程,你将学习基本的,基于证据的心理学 评估和心理治疗技能,将使你满足多样化的需求 range of clients. 此外,还可以更好地从事创新临床研究 equip you for the mental health field. You can also pursue specialized study in behavioral 医学,焦虑症,认知行为疗法,正念和接受为基础 治疗,以及儿童外化行为的行为父母训练.

Develop Skills Through Applied Practice

With the convenience of an onsite psychology clinic, Psychological Services Clinic,实习前你会更容易接触到客户的培训. The M.A. 该计划要求在完成之前在诊所进行两个学期的内部实习 在休斯顿地区60多家优质工厂中的一家实习500小时. While some 大学只提供实习地点名单,UH-Clear Lake会额外提供 帮助你找到并确保最符合你职业目标的工作.

作为这个应用学习的一部分,你将与熟练的,有执照的主管密切合作 and receive significant formative feedback to refine your skills. With an emphasis 在具有挑战性的课程和实践技能,临床心理学硕士.A. prepares 你可以在诊所、医院、研究机构或其他地方从事专业实践 private practice.

Information for Current Students

Request InfoHow to Apply

Clinical Psychology Virtual Information Sessions

November 7, 2024 Info Session
6 p.m. via Zoom

December 13, 2024 Info Session
2 p.m. via Zoom

 Clinical Psychology Student working with patient

Doctorate in Health Services Psychology

A doctorate in Health Services Psychology (结合临床和学校心理学)也提供在休斯敦大学 Lake. 注册本课程需要单独的招生过程. For 详情,请与项目部门助理Shelly Matejka联系。 281-283-3491 or

Dr. Sean Lauderdale
Clinical Psychology Program Director

Total Credit Hours
Graduation and Licensure Rate
Start Date

Accreditations and Distinctions

人文科学与人文学院拥有许多专业认证, 包括认可委员会的认可和批准 国际行为分析协会和全国学校协会 Psychologists. 社会工作教育委员会也认可我们的学士学位 degree in social work. Our Fitness and Human Performance curriculum has been recognized 国家力量和体能协会为学生成功做好准备 enter into the career field. The Human Factors Certificate and Applied Cognitive Psychology Program are accredited by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.



Application Deadline: January 25

New students are accepted during the fall semester only.

For graduate student admissions information, please visit How to Apply as a Graduate Student.

Admissions Requirements

  • Clinical Psychology M.A.
  • Admission Deadline
    • Fall Only
      • Final Deadline: January 25 
  • Application
    A standard university application is required.

  • Requirements
    • GRE Scores Optional for 2025-2026 Term:
      • 如果你想参加GRE考试,请访问他们的网站
      • UHCL GRE Code: 6916 – UNIV HOUSTON CLEAR LAKE – Grad
    • Official Transcripts: 学生应提交所就读的所有学院或大学的正式成绩单 到欧洲杯竞猜网站克利尔湖分校招生办公室或国际招生办公室.
      • Please review New Student Admissions 在欧洲杯竞猜网站目录下的成绩单和记录信息,学习如何 submit an official college transcript to UHCL.
      • Prerequisites: 该项目要求五门本科心理学课程(15小时): 心理学入门、变态心理学和三门课程(额外9学时) of upper-level psychology courses. Upper-level psychology courses that may provide 为课程做好准备的课程包括但不限于社会心理学, 人格理论,人的成长与发展,研究方法与统计. Preference is given to applicants with all prerequisites completed.
    • Required Additional Supporting Documents: 以下文件必须通过大学预科欧洲杯竞猜网站申请上传 Portal.
      • Curriculum Vitae: An expanded résumé describing previous education; all work experience; relevant course work and relevant volunteer activities; any honors, presentations, papers, avocations or other relevant life experiences.
      • Statement of purpose and goals (not to exceed 1,000 words): 描述你想要这个学位的原因,以及它如何符合你的职业目标.
      • Three (3) letters of recommendation and ratings: 学生通过UHCL欧洲杯竞猜网站申请门户网站确定推荐人. Once 推荐人及欧洲杯竞猜网站提交后,推荐人将收到一封电子邮件 to a link to submit the letter of recommendation and ratings. Letters of Recommendation 以及了解申请人的学术教师和/或工作主管的评分 are preferred.
    • Program Application Fee: 除了大学申请费,还有一个额外的项目申请 fee of $35 for the Clinical Psychology M.A. program. The program application fee may be paid by credit card online 或以“欧洲杯竞猜网站-克利尔湖”为抬头的支票,寄至:

      Clinical Psychology Program Applications
      University of Houston-Clear Lake
      2700 Bay Area Blvd., Box 73 
      Houston, TX 77058
  • Admission Review Process 

    在对申请材料(申请书,推荐信,和 补充材料),招生委员会将邀请选定的申请人 campus for an interview. Interviews will typically be scheduled in March. Applicants will be notified of their program admission status by April 15. 

Degree Requirements

有兴趣了解你获得学位所需的课程 欧洲杯竞猜网站克利尔湖分校人类科学与人文学院? Find out now.

Clinical Psychology M.A.

 Clinical Psychology program meeting

Cost Information

看看从人文科学学院获得学位需要花多少钱 and Humanities at UHCL.

Tuition and FeesNet Price CalculatorFee Schedule Calculator


University of Houston-Clear Lake

Phone: 281-283-7600

2700 Bay Area Blvd
Houston, TX 77058

About UHCL


Sarah Griffin
Sarah Griffin

Sarah Griffin

Assistant Professor of Health Service Psychology & Clinical Psychology,
Human Sciences and Humanities

Contact number: 281-283-3355
Office: B2617.08

Sarah Griffin Faculty Bio

Sean Lauderdale

Sean Lauderdale

Assistant Professor of Health Service Psychology & Clinical Psychology,
Human Sciences and Humanities

Contact number: 281-283-3305
Office: HSB 1508.15

Sean Lauderdale Faculty Bio

Ashley MacPherson

Ashley MacPherson

Assistant Professor of Health Service Psychology & Clinical Psychology,
Human Sciences and Humanities

Office: Bayou 1508.03

Ashley MacPherson Faculty Bio

Mary B. Short

Mary B. Short

Human Sciences and Humanities

Contact number: 281-283-3324
Office: Bayou 1508.26

Mary B. Short Faculty Bio