


联系电话: 281-283-3880
电子邮件: feagin@12212011.com
办公室: 达美航空172


  • Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, University of 德州 at Austin, 1972
  • M.A.,天文学,得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,1969年
  • B.A.,莱斯大学物理与数学,1967年
  • 1984  Professor, Computer Science, University of Houston - Clear Lake,   Houston, 德州
  • 1980-1984 Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science, University   of Tennessee, 诺克斯维尔,田纳西州
  • 1979-1980 Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and   Department of Computer Science, The University of Tennessee   太空研究所, Tullahoma, Tennessee
  • 1978-1979 Associate Director for Research and Development, University of   Tennessee 田纳西州诺克斯维尔计算中心
  • 1973-1978 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and   Department of Aerospace Engineering, The University of   Tennessee 太空研究所, Tullahoma, Tennessee
  • 1972-1973 Postdoctoral Research Associate of the National Research Council   and National Academy of Sciences while in residence at NASA's   Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, 马里兰


数值方法, Parallel Algorithms, 人工智能, Machine Learning, Scientific Visualization, Fault Management, Research Methods.


  • Gottlieb, R. G.福勒,W。.T.费金,T. "分析位置和速度偏导数 关于二次和非二次轨迹的研究”,AAS论文第2号. 17-128, 2017年2月
  • Feagin T. 戈特利布,R. G.,开普勒方程的有效解 a quartic  approximation and rational functions,” Neural, Parallel & 科学计算, pp. 2016年12月,246-249
  • Feagin T., “High-order Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods Using M-Symmetry,” Neural, Parallel & 科学计算,卷. 20, No. 2012年12月,第4页. 437-458
  • Feagin T., “An Implicit Runge-Kutta Method for Perturbed Ordinary Differential Equations,” 神经学报,并行 & 科学计算,卷. 4, pp. 129-134  (2010).  动态出版商公司., U.S.A.
  • Feagin T., “High-Order m-symmetric Runge-Kutta Methods,” Proceeding of the 23rd Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Strathclyde University, Glasgow,  Scotland, June 23-26, 2009.
  • Feagin T., “An Explicit Runge-Kutta Method of Order Fourteen,” Numerical  Algorithms, 2009
  • Feagin R.A.吴,X.B.费金,T.,《欧洲杯猜球网站》,生态学 造型201:262-268 (2007)
  • Feagin T., “A Tenth-Order Runge-Kutta Method with Error Estimate,” Proceedings of IAENG会议. 科学计算,2007
  • Bahloor P.雷布弗里德,T.费金,T.贾拉塔诺,J. 《戈尔兹,黑板系统 for Fault Diagnosis" Third CLIPS Conference Proceedings,  September 14, 1994
  • Feagin T., "A Tutorial on CLIPsTOOL, a Graphical Interface to CLIPS," Third  CLIPS 会议记录,1994年9月14日


  • Ada编程语言
  • 高级图形窗口系统
  • 离散数学的应用
  • 人工智能编程语言
  • 人工智能
  • 计算机图形学和界面设计
  • 计算机图形学(3d)
  • 编程语言和编译器的概念
  • 数据结构
  • Java数据结构
  • 数值方法的设计与分析
  • 专家系统
  • Independent Study: Computer Aided Software Engineering
  • 独立研究:案例工具的研究
  • 独立学习:图形处理单元
  • Independent Study: Methods of 人工智能
  • 独立研究:神经网络
  • 独立学习:高级Java与CORBA
  • 独立学习:DCOM的Java实现 
  • 硕士论文研究
  • 数值方法
  • 计算机科学问题
  • 编程语言
  • 编程语言和问题解决
  • C语言编程
  • Java编程
  • 计算机科学研究方法“,
  • 研究计划及研讨会
  • Research Topics in Computer Science: 人工智能
  • Research Topics in Computer Science: X Window System
  • Research Topics: Concepts of Compilers and 编程语言
  • Research Topics in Computer Science: Scientific Writing
  • 计算机科学高级项目
  • 仿真技术
  • 使用Java进行软件开发
  • 结构化程序设计与编码
  • 结构化软件设计
  • Pascal结构化编程


  • 2011  Principal Investigator, 研究所 for Space Systems Operations Seed Grant, Implementation 平行定轨方法
  • 2010 Principal Investigator, ISSO Seed Grant, The Application of Implicit Runge-Kutta 摄动轨迹计算方法
  • 2007-2008 Principal Investigator, FRSF Grant, High-order Runge-Kutta Methods
  • 2000-2004 Principal Investigator, NASA Grant, "OPC OLE for Process Control"
  • 1996-2004 Principal Investigator, Microsoft Development Grant
  • 1994-1995 Principal Investigator, TQM Grant / IBM Corp, "The Development of a Stock 基于神经网络的价格预测模型
  • 1994-1995  Principal Investigator, TQM Grant / IBM Corp, "Development of Computer-Aided 软件工程实验室”
  • 1993-1994  Principal Investigator, TQM Grant / IBM Corp, "Study of Advanced Software 工程”
  • 1992-1994  Principal Investigator, Grant from IBM Corp, "Advanced Software Technology"
  • 1990-1992  Co-Principal Investigator, "Verification and Validation of 专家系统 调查,RICIS/IBM从NASA/Johnson转包
  • 1986-1991 Principal Investigator / Technical Monitor for RICIS 人工智能/Expert 来自NASA/JSC的系统分包合同
  • 1985-1989  Senior Investigator, Grants from NASA/Johnson Space Center, "Communications and Tracking Expert System for the NASA Space Station"
  • 1982-1984  Principal Investigator, Grant from Union Carbide Corp. 和DoE,“地理。 系统与计算机数据库开发"
  • 1980-1981  Senior Investigator on Army Contract DAAG29-76-D-0100, "Ballistic Research"
  • 1979-1980  Investigator on Army Contract DAAK11-80-K-0035, "Multiple Scattering in 烟/ Obscurances”
  • 1975-1976  Principal Investigator for NASA Grant NSG-5040, "On-Board Determination of the Orbit of a Satellite Using Chebyshev Series," The University of Tennessee Space 研究所
  • 1974-1975  Principal Investigator for NASA Grant NCR-43-001-144, "The Iterative Solution of the Problem of Orbit Estimation Using Chebyshev Series," The University of Tennessee 太空研究所


  • 2017年教师发展休假奖获得者
  • 2007-2009  Distinguished Professor in Computer Science and Engineering
  • 2008  President’s Distinguished 教师 Award for Research
  • 2007年获“教师发展假期奖
  • 1994  Nominee, IEEE Technical Educator of the Year Award
  • 1993年派珀教学奖入围者
  • 1993年获教师发展休假奖
  • 1985年《南方和西南名人录
  • 1984年《今日科技名人录
  • 1975年《计算机教育与研究名人录
  • 1972年Sigma Gamma Tau工程荣誉协会
  • 1972年Phi Kappa Phi全国荣誉协会