Early Reinstatement

Reinstatement from Suspension

If you feel you had extenuating circumstances beyond your control which affected your academic performance, you may make a request for consideration for early reinstatement to the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management.

Your written petition should address the circumstance that led to your academic difficulties, how your circumstances have changed and what are the steps you intend to take to improve your academic performance if you are readmitted. Attached to your request should be a copy of transcripts showing your academic history at other institutions that you might have attended while under suspension.

Early reinstatement is not automatic. The gravity of the circumstance and academic history will be considered in making a determination on whether the petition should 被授予.

Early reinstatement decisions made by the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management are final.


  • International Student Services

    Phone: 281-283-2740
    Fax: 281-226-7038
    电子邮件: intladvising@12212011.com

    Bayou Building B2123
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 225
    Houston, TX 77058-1002