

I can attest to the long-term benefit of language 课程s at UCHL. 我学过语言 我以前上过的课,成绩不好,认为我学习不熟练 语言. I 太k French at UHCL for several years. 我还短暂选修了德语 而. 我总是喜欢上课,喜欢老师,喜欢其他学生. 我看了看 期待着晚上的课堂,我们经常用语言进行有趣的讨论 我们在学习. Both instructors were patient and gently corrected our mistakes, 同时挑战我们成为更好的演讲者,读者,并学习更多关于 世界各地的文化,尤其是在我的法语课上. I left the classes to pursue an advanced degree in history. 当它来的时候 我的法语阅读能力测试,我的学位要求的一部分,我能够通过 它很容易. 我在大学里上过德语强化课程,可能不会 have passed it were it not for the German I had taken at UHCL. 我能做到 法语说得很好,可以周游巴黎、比利时和塞内加尔,并且玩得很开心 对话. 那些经历,和人们见面,用他们的母语和他们交谈 语言,一直大开眼界,令人兴奋,谦卑,这一切都归功于UHCL语言 程序.


您允许我的孩子们参加外语课程,真是太好了 当他们在中学的时候. Before I came to your office, I spoke with two people on campus who told me it would not be possible. Your decision helped not only their 外语学校的成绩,也是他们的自信心和他们的学习态度.  

They both are now engineering students in UT Austin and in A&M. 为了大学入学 其中一个人在文章中写道,在他的西班牙语课上,他坐在旁边 那位比他奶奶还年长的女士,使他认识到知识是用来 每一个人. 
我在获奖名单上看到了你的名字,就决定去看看你. 我真的。 grateful for you helping me raise my boys!

-Vlatka W.

'Drewzba' means friendship in Russian

学习新东西永远不会嫌老——即使是有点复杂的东西, like learning a new language with a completely different alphabet. 外语 欧洲杯竞猜网站克利尔湖分校的英语强化课程已经开始 帕特里克·奇姆斯,一位退休的美国宇航局电视工程和运营人员 经理. 阅读更多关于FLEEP如何帮助Chimes与笔友建立亲密友谊的信息 世界.

Three smiling people pose for a photo together 在休斯顿.

Our Students Talk about Their Experiences...

Spanish class has been an extreme eye opener. The expectations of the class are set to accept every member in the class. 回报是巨大的. 我错过了几个星期 when I returned, the level of Spanish learned had greatly increased. 的友谊 you make in class are very interesting. The students come from all walks of life with 不同的观点. This has been a marvelous learning experience.

- S. 卡特,公立学校老师

This was a 好 课程, specially for a non native english speaker.

在我看来,这门课程非常互动,内容丰富,令人满意. 的格式 of the 课程 was very flexible and versatile. We learned english in lot of different 非传统的方式. My favorite part was using english with a creativity to 想出动画故事. The professor's teaching method was very interactive. 她总是在我们身边. We learned grammar, participated in lot of interesting discussions, and sharpened comprehension skills. 总之,这是一个伟大的英语 课程. 这绝对是一个学习英语的好机会 母语不是英语.

I will definitely look for additional 课程s.



我继续参加高级法语班,因为它一直很优秀. 我连续学习法语13年,推荐外语 Department at UHCL to friends who seek to learn other 语言.


I really love my private 日本 lessons at UHCL. 时间安排很灵活,而且 my teacher is very knowledgeable and patient. I can really see an improvement in my 日本!

——Don H.、教育家

Fluent in French, I'm not just yet,
That I'll never be is the current bet,
But I'll continue to try and stay about
And reading, I'm getting 好 at it.
It's the understanding when the words come my way,


西班牙的阶级很震撼! 我很喜欢! You can really learn how to speak Spanish on a 每天. I was afraid to speak but now I feel more confident about it. 好的词汇 语法简单. I recommend it to all ages and people. 小班授课很好 太.


我在UHCL上法语课已经两年多了,每一堂课都很开心 一分钟. 这对我的工作日来说是一种清新的改变,随着时间的推移,我觉得好像 我正在取得重大进展. I enjoy the class members and the teacher and plan 继续我的学业. I would highly recommend the Foreign Language Program to anyone who enjoys learning and appreciates different cultures.

- B.Z., NASA工程师

作为一名全职妈妈,我希望有机会重新学习从大学开始的法语. UHCL课程是由一位同样热爱法语的朋友推荐的. 虽然 那个朋友再也不会回来上课了,这变成了我期待的事情 每个星期. 我不仅学到了和我水平相当的新东西,还交到了朋友和 有乐趣. The teacher also could not have been better! I highly recommend it and personally, never plan to stop signing up until I am totally fluent!

- C.B.

我非常喜欢这门课. I had not taken any type of 课程 in a very long time, was pleasantly surprised to find it so enjoyable. 我每周都期待着它.


我很喜欢这门课,并将继续享受它在未来因为学习 学习一门外语是我一直想做的事,但从来没有做过 该做什么了. 我过去学过一点西班牙语,但是互动 这门课的整个方法,当然还有教授的专业知识 好得超出了我的预期. 真的很棒!

- UHCL欧洲杯竞猜网站

法语课很好,因为它允许不同程度的法语能力 同时学习. Hopefully it will help me to learn – 太 early to tell.


我真的很喜欢和我的老师一起学习法语,希望她能教所有的法语 法国类. I am learning slowly, but am making progress. 我会去报名的 更多课程.


很棒的课,对我很有帮助. It sometimes feels like one meeting per week is 太稀有了,但很方便.


J'aime la classe de francalais! 这是优秀的! 保罗夫人是我的炸弹! 法语是 好. We learn a lot, lots of pronunciation practice. 我们应该办个小派对 with coffee, croissants, wine, or what not.


伟大的类! Very convenient time for people who work during the day. 我喜欢这节奏 还有大气.

- D.M., NASA工程师

我上法语课的主要目的是提高我的读写能力 的语言. I use these skills in my writing and research projects. 我已经取了这些 classes for the past twelve years and enjoy them very much. 导师一直都是 尤其有用的是她对英语的广博知识. 我特别 like the small classes and the friendly atmosphere.

——唐·P., retired USAF officer, NASA工程师, historian

我是计算机工程教授,参加过法语课 多年来. The classes are useful and informative. 我期待着这样的课程 在未来. These classes are to be recommended to anyone who wishes to improve 他或她的语言能力.

- Dr. 托马斯·哈曼,UHCL

I enrolled in this class to reinforce my knowledge. 全班都做了 我已经预料到了. My vocabulary is improving and so is my comprehension of the 文字. I enjoy being able to converse a lot as part of the class.

- R. 巴尔加斯

我喜欢上这门课,因为我的目标是说一口流利的西班牙语. We 复习语法和写作,但我们在课堂上的对话是什么 更重要的是. I know at least an hour on Mondays I have to converse, so it forces us to learn 的语言 and do the homework. 我上过这门课 for several years and feel more comfortable with 的语言.

- Denny, 50岁

我上课的目的是为了让西班牙语说得更流利,因为 I volunteer at an agency with many Spanish speaking clients. 这门课已经证明了 我现在正在用西班牙语进行面试. 各种 在对话中,词汇和学习材料也很有帮助.


I have been taking Spanish since November. The class is a real challenge for my skill 但比起在简单的课堂上学到的东西,它迫使我学得更多. 我每周都要在十字路口做志愿者工作,那是一个无家可归者的收容所 在休斯顿. The conversational class is quite helpful. 从那以后,我再也没有学过西班牙语 40年前的大学!


伟大的教练! Great work for international students! 很有帮助. 我强烈推荐 this instructor and this 课程 for non-native English speakers.


这个项目极大地提高了我们的口语能力 优秀,因为讲师经验丰富,组织良好 内容. I not only studied very hard, but also enjoyed it immensely.


非常喜欢! 学到了很多东西,比如跨文化的事实、态度和行为. 它帮助我进行自我分析.


The 课程 was interesting and lots of fun! The instructor was knowledgeable, generous 和善良的. It was a privilege to have such a wonderful instructor!
