


To access a course 评价 report from a previous semester, visit 数字的措施. University of Houston-Clear 湖 credentials are required to view the reports.


During an 评价 period (10 business days before the finals' week), students will receive email reminders and instructions on how 完成评估s. 提醒 will be sent once every three days at first, and once a day during the last three 评估窗口的天数. 此外,黑板广播消息将是 visible on students' Blackboard page during 评价 window.

Recommended Strategies for 教师 to Increase Response Rates in F2F Classes

  • In preparation for in-class completion of course 评估, faculty may want to 提醒学生带移动设备上课(1).e.(智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑).
  • Set aside time (10-15 min) at the beginning or in the middle of your class for your 学生完成在线教学评估. (注:如教学评估 are scheduled for the end of class, students are more likely to leave without completing 评估,打算在以后完成它).
  • You must not be in the room while students are completing 评价s.
  • 请 consider providing your students with written instructions on completing the 评价. They can be displayed in class and left running during the time set aside 完成评估.
  • 描述你认为最有用的反馈.
  • Remind students that 评估 are designed to be completely anonymous and that you will not be able to see any of their 评估 until after final grades have 被提交.
  • Consider adding course 评价 information to the course syllabus.


Consider reading the following script to your class before you leave the room to allow 您的学生完成课程评估:

“我们现在将进行课程评估. 稍后,我将向您展示如何操作 访问在线评估. 但首先,我想谈谈我们为什么要开这门课 评估. Every semester, instructors carefully review prior semesters’ teaching 评估和修改相应的课程内容和交付. 因此,你的评价 can contribute to the quality of courses in this department and at UHCL in general. Course 评估 can also help you directly – when you select courses, you are able to look at prior students’ course 评估, which can serve as a guidance for you 课程或老师是否适合你.

"As you fill out the course 评价, please keep make an effort 抵制 stereotypes 以及对教授的偏见. 把重点放在你对课程内容的体验上 (such as the assignments, the textbook, and the course structure) and not unrelated matters (such as the instructor’s appearance or personal characteristics). 请 花时间诚实、公正地完成这些评估.

[At this point, you might wish to reiterate in your own words why student teaching 评估 are important to you and/or provide examples of how 评估 and comments 帮你修改过以前的课程吗. 然后参考显示的说明 在课堂上进行下一步.]

你需要登录到 应用程序.12212011.com/OnlineEvals 使用智能手机、桌子或笔记本电脑. 选择本课程的评估开始. I will step out of the room for 10-15 minutes to provide you with time to complete 评价."


Research has shown that biases are common in student 评估.因此,下面 statement informing students about implicit biases will be included in 评价s 网站:

"Student 评估 of teaching are a common practice for University of Houston-Clear 湖. 每次评估都会影响到教师的年度审查. 学生评价可以 对教员有偏见. 研究表明,学生的评价会起作用 overwhelmingly to a faculty’s appearance and nonverbal behavior. 非语言行为 that influence teaching 评估 are rooted in culture and habit, allowing characteristics 比如种族和性别影响评估.

"As you fill out the course 评价, please keep this in mind and make an effort 抵制
对教授的刻板印象. 重点阐述你对课程内容的看法 (
作业、课本、课堂材料等.)和不相关的事情(教师的) 外观等.)."


Assuming that student population is homogeneous (which it is not) at 10% sampling error, 80% confidence level, the recommended response rates for student 评估 是:

班级规模* 最少回应人数
4 3
5 4
6-7 5
8 6
9 7
10-17 8
18-19 9
20-21 10
22-23 11
24-26 12
27-28 13
29-41 14
42-44 15
45-47 16
48-49 17
50-66 18
67-69 19
70-97 20
98+ 21

*Only active students at the time of 评估 should be counted for the class size, 不包括那些在评估日期前放弃的人. 如果有多个部分 (cross-listed) of the same undergraduate or graduate course, students should be combined 在所有交叉列表的部分.

Student feedback from courses with insufficient response rates (for classes of three and more students) will be visible to the faculty member but will be automatically excluded from being used for administrative purposes, unless a faculty member agrees 给它,在收到评价之后.


While all students’ participation in 评价s process will be recorded by the OIT Office (can be used for incentivizing participation), the responses themselves are automatically unlinked from individual students’ participation. 因此,学生 can be assured that course 评估 are anonymous to both OIT and the faculty.


At the conclusion of each semester, processed course 评估 will be provided 到学术部门. 一般情况下,报表上传到报表站点 within three business days after the due date to submit final grades for the regular 会话.