
  1. Current, valid photo identification is required for all tests. Always check the identification requirements of the testing company/sponsor prior to registering for your test.
  2. Examinees are not allowed to bring unauthorized items into the testing area. 项目 not permitted in the Testing Room include:
    • Cell or smartphones (include - iPhone, Android, etc)
    • Food, beverages, gum, candy and tobacco products
    • Cameras or recording devices
    • 武器
    • Wireless communication devices of any kind (PDAs, tablet PCs, iPods, iPads)
    • Listening devices (mp3 players, radios, headphones, recorders)
    • 计算器*
    • Notes, books, dictionaries, or any type of study materials*
    • Hats or hoods (unless worn for religious purposes)
    • 回来packs, bags or purses
    • Digital watches, watches with calculator functions, and watches with an audible alarm.
    • 任何种类的纸张*
    • 统治者
    * These materials may be allowed with explicit instructor or testing company authorization.
  3. Personal belongings must be left in the secured lockers. Lockers have limited space, so plan accordingly when bringing items into the 测试中心.
  4. Dress comfortably in layers for all testing scenarios; be prepared so you can adapt to variations in room temperature. Although jackets or coats are not permitted in the testing room, you may wear sweaters or light-weight outerwear. 不要穿衣服 with hoods attached, hats or sunglasses into the testing room.
  5. Examinees will be monitored by proctors (including video monitoring) while in the testing room; any appearance of cheating will be investigated and an irregularity report filed and reported.
  6. Examinees must sign-in before taking their test.
  7. Examinees are asked to be considerate of other test-takers by being as quiet as possible when entering and leaving the testing room.
  8. Talking is not permitted in the testing area.
  9. No testing materials will leave the testing center. All materials provided must be returned upon completion of the exam, including scratch paper used.
  10. Once you have started an exam, you should remain seated. Leaving the testing room for any reason for the duration of the exam is not permitted. 如果你 需要帮助吗?.
    • No bathroom breaks are allowed unless proctors have been informed in advance by the instructor or testing company.
    • Should an emergency occur in which you must leave the exam, you will be accompanied by a proctor if you wish to return to the exam. Otherwise, your computer will be reset and reassigned to the next student checking in.
  11. Please plan ahead and allow enough time to complete your exam. 如果你没有完成 by closing time, your exam will be picked up and considered completed. 所有的考试都会 be collected at the scheduled closing time. No exceptions will be made.


  • 测试中心


    View Lot R 访问or 停车 Map

    周一至周四,上午8:30.m. - 5 p.m.
    Friday by Appointment Only